Mentor Program

I’ve received several requests to create a Mentorship Program. Many photographers continue to feel frustrated with other professionals when attending field workshops with little or no teaching. Some even feel so overwhelmed by information that they don’t know how to apply it to their workflow.

This individualized Mentorship Program is designed for those who wish to learn, grow, and progress by learning from one source. No more he said, she said. This program is dedicated to bird and landscape photographers only.

Working with a mentor allows you to expand your photographic knowledge and skills, and to refine your photographic style. A mentorship is often goal-oriented; it can lead to expanding your field techniques and digital workflow, managing your equipment, and learning what it truly takes to create award-winning images.

Program Options Details

The Photography Mentorship Program begins with a portfolio review. We'll discuss what you can improve and what direction you want to go. We'll agree on a tentative plan of action by telephone (preferred) or e-mail. This program requires discipline and commitment. Like you, I don't like to waste my time. This program is about how you can become a more successful photographer.

The program offers two options to address your individual needs. More details will be available when you register. All information is confidential and should not be shared with anyone.


  • One-on-one portfolio review
  • Plan of action
  • 60-minute phone consultations every four weeks. Topics covered range and arise from your individual needs and questions at the time (personal vision, technical questions, equipment, business and marketing strategies, exhibiting your images, etc.). All communications occur via phone or e-mail
  • Two field workshops of your choice


  • One-on-one portfolio review
  • Plan of action
  • 60-minute phone consultations every four weeks. Topics covered range and arise from your individual needs and questions at the time (personal vision, technical questions, equipment, business and marketing strategies, exhibiting your images, etc.). All communications occur via phone or e-mail
  • One field workshops of your choice

  • Although the mentorship program is primarily long-distance learning, face-to-face meetings are definitely possible if you are local. In addition, you have the opportunity to photograph with me outside my workshop schedule. Since these meetings are likely to last more than an hour, they are outside the structured mentorship sessions and costs need to be adjusted. If you feel the need for more fieldwork, an additional $250 is required per outing.

    How You Can Register

    Before you can register, I would like to speak with you to ensure this program fits your needs. Not everyone will be accepted and I reserve the right to decline clients whose needs don’t fit this program. You may contact me directly by following this link or by simply calling me directly at 941.623.5155..

    The program offers two options to address your individual needs. More details will be available when you register. All information is confidential and should not be shared with anyone.

    Payment Details

  • Payment must be made in advanced and paid in full prior to first session
  • No refunds
  • Contact me for payment details.

  • How to Register

  • Fill out registration form
  • E-mail, call or text if you have any questions. 941-623-5155
  • Previous Workshops, Festivals and Camera Clubs Gallery