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Private Field & Digital Workflow Classes - Small Groups or Individuals

Private field lessons and instructions are available for small groups or individuals. 1-ON-1 private lessons are ideal for those seeking a personalize experience and have specific goals in mind. From the perfect manual exposure approach to a more challenging fill-flash techniques.

Photography private classes will teach you the skills and confidence you need to capture award-winning photographs.

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5-Day Florida Bird Photography Tour - Feb. 22-26, 2024

Our 5-day tour will begin with 2 separate boat trips to photograph nesting birds in the S.W. Florida area. This tour will allow tremendous opportunities to photograph several species nesting including Spoonbills and more. Limited to 5 participants. I'm very excited and I hope you will join me!

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Spoonbills & More Boat Trips
Feb-June, 2024

Private workshop will begin with a short and pleasant boat ride to an offshore Rookery in the Sarasota, FL area. Our experienced, U.S.C.G certified, licensed and insured boat captain will maneuver us safely to the rookery.

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Birds in Flight Workshop - April 23-24, 2024

Birds in Flight Workshop will begin with a short and pleasant boat ride to an offshore Rookery. From there you will learn how I set up my camera, best position to photograph birds based on the conditions, how to select the best background, how to "bump" your camera's AF system, panning

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Burrowing Owls - May 21-22, 2024

Wow. They owls are very close. Yes!, they are very close. The owls are often in contact with humans, allowing us to get very close. We'll be able to photograph the owls in their own habitat. However, we will NOT disturb them and we will keep our distance. During my workshop, there is a good chance to photograph owlets as well. Join me!

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Portfolio Review Program

Portfolio reviews are a great way to share your current work with a professional. Porfolio reviews also helps you save time and money by having someone suggest constructive and informative opinion of your work and photography gear.

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Mentor Program

This individualized Mentor Program is designed for those who wish to learn, grow, and progress by learning from one source. No more "he said, she said". This program is dedicated to bird and landscape photography only. Working with a mentor allows you to expand your photographic knowledge and skills, and to refine your photographic style. A Mentor Program is often goal-oriented; it can lead to expanding your field techniques and digital workflow, managing your equipment, and learning what it truly takes to create award-winning images. Let me be your Mentor!

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Public Lectures

Gamez enjoys educating photographers around the world. If you wish to see him speak at your local camera club or photography related festival or event, please fill out the request form. He will contact you within 24hrs.

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